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John Jakle
5' x 5'
Price: 咨询价格
Wagner Boris
John Jakle
Price: 咨询价格
Companion George
John Jakle
2'4" x 4'4"
Price: 咨询价格
John Jakle
2' x 5'
Price: 咨询价格
1984 Suzanne
John Jakle
3' x 4'3
Price: 咨询价格
Holt Spirit 2 - Terry
John Jakle
5' x 6'
Price: 咨询价格
艺术家:  Jakle John
1977 Art Center College of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts Graduate.

2003 Artwork for "Ravenswan" film; Artwork for ?Design; Studio Hexagon Gallery; Commissioned Artwork for Leonardo Di Caprio - Actor; Artwork for "Columbo" TV movie.
2002 Joel Samuels commissioned Art featured on "Home and Garden" Cable Channel
2001 "God Show"- Art Form Gallery one man show; Out Auction Showing
2000 "Creating Access Art" - Liberace Estate; "Exhibition 2000@ - Don O'Melveny Gallery; Out Auction Showing
1999 Artform, Michael Collins - art agent, Los Angeles, CA; Boris Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Out Auction - Art Piece Donated, Los Angeles, CA; PAWS L.A.Auction - Art Piece Donated, Los Angeles, CA; "Go Lightly" Art Work Toward Film - Robert Evans Producer, Los Angeles, CA; Blackman Cruz Showroom, Los Angeles, CA; Art Connection - Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, CA; Gallagher Biggert Design - Los Angeles, CA
1998 Vanity Fair Cover, Art work for Robert Evans, Los Angeles, CA; Villiers and Vander Pump Showroom, Los Angeles, CA; Pat McGann Showroom, Los Angeles, CA; The Collection Showroom, Los Angeles, CA; Out Auction - Art Piece Donated, Los Angeles, CA
1997 "Fim Art" - Los Angeles, CA; "The Bridcage" - Art work is shown - Los Angeles, CA; "Men in Black" - Art work is shown - Los Angeles, CA; "Primary Colors" - Art work is shown - Los Angeles, CA; Nola's Showroom - Los Angeles, CA; "Art of Sin" - Art work for Robert Evans, Film Producer, Los Angeles, CA
1996 City Antiques Showroom; Los Angeles Sunday Times Magazines, Art Piece Shown
1994 "The Kid Stays in The Picture", Art work toward Robert Evans Book; L.A.Art Association, Los Angeles, CA; Ambassador of The Arts, Los Angeles, CA
1992 Trigo Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Angel Food Auction, Art Piece Donated, Los Angeles, CA

2003 Leonardo Di Caprio - Actor; David Schwimmer - Actor; Donald Elmblad - Set Decorator; Bob Yoncheck; Chris Farmond committee member of the LA County Museum of Art; Joel Gilman; Jerry Baca
2002 Tom Stillmack; Jeff Jakeberger; Victoria Lockwood; Steven Paul Fackwell - Designer; Art Kliman
2001 John Di Agostino - 20th Century Fox Creative Department; David Weinstein; Dean Jones; Steven BeBee; John Waskam; Jamie Samuels; Michael French
2000 Sandy and Larry Liman; Jo McKinnis; Terry and Gene Paasch; Jeanne Jakle; Wayne Sacks; Eric Shore; Cheryl Crasett - Set Decorator
1999 Steve Feldstein - 20th Century Fox; John Jolly, Los Angeles, CA; Evan A. Weekes, Los Angeles, CA; Robert Gallagher, Designer, Los Angeles, CA; Larry Lloyd, Designer, Los Angeles, CA; Nicholas Walker, Designer, Los angeles, CA; Joel Samuels, Los Angeles, CA; Richard Carlstrom Productions, San Mateo, CA; Tom Madigan, Designer, Los Angeles, CA; Jay Neighbor; Ken Fox, Los Angeles, CA
1998 Robert Evans, Film Producer, Los Angeles, CA; John Travolta, Film Actor
1997 Henry Jaglom, Film Director; Richard Cordes - Architect
1996 Ali McGraw, Actress; George Hamilton - Actor

描述:  L.A.Artis, John Jakle is one of the most independent artists for the new century.

He blends his own individual style from his past and present and moves from one subject to another, always searching for something different that's usually large, monumental, and edgy, but true to himself as what he really wants to do.

He plays with light and shadow.
Color is concentrated in different sections of his pictures, that separates him from other artists, with his own style.
Warms and cools vibrate off each other and whites appear soft and light but dark areas are not black but a large range of colors.

He has a B.F.A.degree from The Art Center College of Design and works as a graphic designer for twelve years, and then for the last few years he leaves this field and concentrates on his pastel pictures

His art is in showrooms, "Angel Food" Auction '92, "Out" Auctions '98, '99 and motion pictures. His freelance pieces are for films, "The Birdcage" "Men in Black", and "Primary Colors", and does preliminary art presentations for a renowned movie mogul.
As an avid viewer of films, mystery and humanistic visuals inspire and stimulate his subject matter and feeling in his art.

His medium is chalk pastels on paper, fabric, stretched canvas or practically any surface. His execution is precise and delicate in complimentary contrast to the paper or fabric, which is usually coarse, ragged and torn.

His pictures are realistic yet ephemeral in look. He enjoys images playing off each other, the more unlikely, the better. He prefers human - face and form next to non-human image.

If one analyzes his pictures, he or she sees each section of the picture in itself an abstract picture, which when put with others, makes a picture that is correct in proportion and masterful in color and design.

Truth is the most important thing to him.
He says on the subject of what seems to be going on, but what really is going on...he strives for what really is going on..., he strives for what's really going on in expressing his total truth about himself and the true essence of the God-truth in him and in his art.